- Environment used is: TinyOS 2.1.0 with Ubuntu
- Knowledge to compile "BaseStation" application (coming with TinyOS) with a modification in Makefile : CFLAGS += - TOSH_DATA_LENGTH
- Basic understanding of file operations in Java
- No other nodes are in the vicinity which are transmitting data at that time
- Run SerialForwarder with Java applications in TinyOS
- Transfer is only for "text files"
- Download the code from here
- Install BaseStation in two motes
- Put one mote in computer 1 and other in computer 2.
- Run the SerialForwarder
Sender /Receiver
- ECopy the FileSender folder
- Open a shell, navigate to this above folder
- Type in CLASSPATH=/opt/tinyos-2.1.0/support/sdk/java/tinyos.jar:.
- Type in make
- Type in java FileSender
- Repeat the same with Receiver
- Enter the file name with absolute path and extension at sender side
- Wait for the message "File ended"
- Please come up with a reliable file transfer (like ftp)
- Please fix this code for any (byte) file instead of text files
- If you do any/both, please upload and post the link here